2014/10/27(一) ~ 2014/11/14(五)考試期間,因閱覽席位有限,換證入館每日限額30名。其中20名不在時間限制內,10名換證讀者在館時間以2小時為限,逾時歸還者,自歸還日起五日內(含當日)無法換證入館。考試期間亦暫停「圖書館之友閱覽證」 與「圖書館之友借書證」之核發,但仍可至『圖書館之友後補系統』登記後補,不便之處,請見諒。
Due to the limited study space in the Main Library, there are only 30 temporary library passes are available per day during the midterm examination period .In addition,10 of 30 library passes allow a two-hour stay in the library, and 20 others are not limited.We apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused.
Due to the limited study space in the Main Library, there are only 30 temporary library passes are available per day during the midterm examination period .In addition,10 of 30 library passes allow a two-hour stay in the library, and 20 others are not limited.We apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused.